Challenge-trg Group signs the Care Leaver Friendly Charter

Challenge-trg Group has signed the Care Leaver Friendly Charter, a new initiative from the Care Leaver Covenant.
Through this charter, we open new avenues for our business and also take a step forward to give back to the community by extending employment opportunities to care leavers. 

What is the Care Leaver Covenant? 

The Care Leaver Covenant came into existence in October 2018 and is a UK wide inclusion programme that primarily focuses on care leavers between the age groups of 16-25 years. The programme aims to support care leavers by creating meaningful opportunities for them and paving the way for their financial independence.  

In summary, the Covenant is a promise made by the private, public and voluntary sectors to provide support for care leavers to help them to live independently. 

 The aim of the Care Leaver Covenant, to which organisations commit, is to provide additional support for those leaving care; making available a different type of support and expertise from that statutorily provided by local authorities. 

What are the key areas of support available to Care Leavers?  

The care leavers can benefit in the following five key areas:   

  1. Independent Living
  2. Education, Employment & Training 
  3. Safety & Security 
  4. Mental & Physical Health 
  5. Finance 

What is the new ‘Care Leaver Friendly Charter’? 

The ‘Care Leaver Friendly Employer Charter’ is a new initiative by the Care Leaver Covenant designed especially for organisations. This charter sets standards of behaviours for organisations to work towards supporting care leavers to enable them to thrive and excel in their workplace. 

Challenge-trg Group is proud to be part of the Care Leaver Friendly Charter.